NSG 6435 Final Exam Study Guide 3 with Answers


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NSG 6435 Final Exam Study Guide 3 with Answers

  1. A congenital heart abnormality often discovered during the newborn period is coarctation of the aorta. How is this assessed?
  2. A child who can stack a maximum of 5 blocks is probably:
  3. A 6 yr old child who has moderate persistent asthma is diagnosed with pneumonia after chest x-ray and lab studies. He developed a sudden onset of fever with chills. He is in no distress. What is the preferred treatment for him?
  4. A healthy appearing 3-yr old female presents with non-blanchable redness over both knees and elbows. During the exam, she is found to have normal growth and development, and she interacts appropriately with the NP. She had an upper respiratory infection about 4 wks ago that cleared without incident. A CBC and UA were obtained. The most likely diagnosis is:
  5. An adolescent has acne. The NP prescribed a benzoyl peroxide product for him. What important teaching point should be given to this adolescent regarding the benzoyl peroxide?
  6. a 6-wk old male infant is brought to the NP because of vomiting. The mother describes vomiting after feeding and feeling a knot in his abdomen especially after he vomits. The child appears adequately nourished. What is the likely etiology?
  7. Which suggestion below is the standard for treating iron deficiency anemia in infants and children?
  8. A young child has developed a circumferential lesion on her inner forearm. It is slightly raised, red and is puritic. It is about 2.5 cm in diameter. This is probably related to: 
  9. A 7-yr old entered clinic 1 month ago. There was no evidence that he had any immunizations. He was given the vaccinations listed on his vaccination record at the time of his visit. if he returns today, which immunizations can he receive?
  10. What would be appropriate anticipatory guidance for the parent of a 9-month old infant?
  11. An infant is diagnosed with diaper dermatitis. Satelite lesions are visible. This should be treated with a:
  12. The NP sees a child who reports fatigue and presents with purpura on his lower extremities. His temperature is normal. The differential includes:
  13. Genetics
    Prenatal/ environmental factors
    Family/ community
    Cultural factors
  14. Nutrition
  15. Height, Skin, Hair, Eye color
  16. Growth
  17. Development
  18. Teratogen
  19. Autocratic
  20. Patriarchal
  21. Matriarchal
  22. Democratic
  23. Nuclear family
  24. Social contract and cohabitation
  25. 25.Single parent family
  26. Blended ( reconstituted)
  27. Erick Erickson
  28. Sigmond Freud
  29. 29.Jean Piaget
  30. Extended family
  31. Homosexual
  32. Adoptive
  33. Gradfamilies
  34. Foster
  35. Basic trust v mistrust
  36. Autonomy v shame and doubt
  37. Initiative v guilt
  38. Industry v inferiority
  39. Identity v role confusion
  40. Intimacy v isolation
  41. Generativity v stagnation
  42. Ego integrity v despair
  43. Mood swings
  44. male- Tanner stage I
  45. 45.Male-Tanner stage 4
  46. earliest age child able to copy triangle, know colors and count on fingers
  47. earliest age avg child would appropriately receive paper and scissors with rounded points
  48. usual age for vision screening
  49. female Tanner stage 4
  50. Female – Tanner stage 5 
  51. 14 yr old male- acute painless swelling of groin. which tool will yield the most info
  52. Age of precocious puberty
  53. avg age of pubertal growth spurt in american boys
  54. Female – Tanner stage II
  55. 12 yr old male, hip pain w/ activitiy, worsening, involves knee, no trauma, ?In office eval?
  56. Trendelenburg test used to id
  57. what age should oral health risk assessment begin?
  58. 4 yr child not allergic to chickens but allergic to duck feathers, immunizations contraindicated?
  59. child can walk backwards
  60. child can stand on one foot
  61. Can stack 5 blocks
  62. child can stack 3 blocks
  63. Positive support reflex ceases after
  64. In school aged child (6-12)___considered tachycardia
  65. Normal heart rate 60-100 after age
  66. Male-First sign of sexual maturation
  67. Male- average age of sexual maturation
  68. delayed puberty
  69. Most common cause of delayed puberty
  70. to eval for hip dysplasia
  71. 6mo male-palpable cystic mass in scrotum, size varies
  72. 6 mo- disconjugate gaze- tilts head when looking at object
  73. Should be avoided in ITP
  74. Intussception can follow?
  75. NOT a sign of congenital hypothyroidism
  76. Adolescent -wt loss, chronic diarrhea, anemia, weakness
  77. Describe the s/s of small and large VSDs
  78. Acynotic heart murmur d/t increased pulmonary flow
  79. Pauciarthritis (most common subgroup of juvi-idiopathic arthritis)
  80. side effects of ADHD meds
  81. Parents/guardian of adolescents should receive health guidance
  82. Age of onset of irritable bowel disease
  83. characteristics of infant with bronchopulmonary dysplasia
  84. child with insulin pump is more likely to experience
  85. palpable thrill in L upper sternal border
  86. Which heart defect produces a systolic ejection click at the upper left sternal border with a thrill palpated at the upper left sternal border?
  87. sit before standing is example of 
  88. Maternal iron stores are depleted by 
  89. In adolescents with IBD, it is important to monitor 
  90. What are important thing to monitor in patient taking corticosteroids to control inflammation in IBD?
  91. treatment for Atypical pneumonia
  92. Best tools for treating adolescents
  93. The adolescent growth spurt is triggered by
  94. Best way to screen for gonorrhea – FEMALE
  95. Best way to screen for gonorrhea – MALE
  96. HPV screening in female
  97. Newborns of diabetic mothers are at risk for
  98. gardasil results in greater antibody response for adolescents who receive 3 dose series between ages
  100. 13 yr old pt with bone maturity of 10 yrs
  101. treatment for delayed puberty
  102. Mother voices concern with 3 yr old stuttering
  103. Eating disorders
  104. Common symptom of ASD (anterior septal defect)
  105. Biomedical issues that may create academic performance issues
  106. Bipolar disease requires
  107. Joe, a 13 year old with asthma, developed a runny nose, coughing and wheezing on expiration. Joe takes Flovent 2 puffs BID. You would suggest he:
  108.  Janet is a 16 year old with moderate persistant asthma. She takes Advair discus 250/50 one inhalation BID in her green zone.
  109. Which of the following medications would be most appropriate to intensify her controller therapy for yellow zone treatment?
  110. •When completing Beth’s physical exam which would be inconsistent with a dx of asthma?
  111. •Beth is a 12 year old with suspected asthma. Which of following findings in her hx would support this dx?
  112. ASTHMA
  113. ASTHMA DDx
  114. Physical Assessment
  115. Asthma Clinical Manifestations
  116. Pulmonary function tests
  117. Degrees of Asthma
  118. Mild Persistent Asthma-
  119. Moderate Persistent/Severe Asthma
  120. Diagnose asthma
  121. O2 Sats
  122. Therapeutic Mgmt
  123. Asthma not controlled if:
  124. Rescue medications
  125. Anticholinergics
  126. Inhaled Corticosteroids
  127. Inhalers by age group
  128. LABA long acting B2 Adrenergic Agonists
  129. Which of the following asthma medications contains a blackbox warning for usage in regards to increased risk of asthma-related deaths
  130. Long acting medications
  131. Metered dose inhaler – AGE?
  132. Aerochamber MDI
  133. Status Asthmaticus
  134. Otitis Externa
  135. OE pathogens
  136. Otitis externa RX TX
  137. Acute Otitis Media- Prevalence/incidence
  138. Pathogen Acute Otits Media
  139. AOM physical exam
  140. Eustachian Tube
  141. Tympanic Membrane
  142. Diagnose AOM Physical exam
  143. OM with Effusion TX?
  144. 1st line Tx AOM
  145. AOM tx failure next?
  146. Risk factors of Acute Otitis Media include_____, ______ and ____________.
  147. Conductive Hearing loss
  148. Conductive hearing loss Physical Exam- Weber-
  149. Rinne-
  150. causes of SensoriNeural inner ear causes
  151. Sensori Neural loss Weber Rinne
  152. Hordeoleum
  153. Management: Hordeolum
  154. DDx Hordeolum
  155. Chalazion
  156. Blepharitis
  157. chalazion mgmt
  158. Conjuctivitis- RED EYE
  159. Conjunctivitis
  160. Viral conjuctivitis
  161. Allergic Conjunctivitis
  162. Gonococcal conjunctivitis
  163. Rx Bacterial Conjuctivitis
  164. PeriOrbital Cellulitis
  165. Orbital Cellulitis Tx
  167. Pediatric airway
  168. Childs airway is the size of a _____.
  169. Childs airway is _____ & ______
  170. Infants breath thru _______
  171. Ped Respiratroy Assessment
  172. Wet diapers/stools a day
  173. Common cold
  174. Sx, PE, DDx
  175. Complications of the common cold
  176. Pharyngitis
  177. Bacterial Pharyngitis
  178. Group A Strep
  179. Bacterial Pharyngitis Ddx
  180. Pharyngitis Ddx<3years
  181. >6years
  182. GAS Rx
  183. Allergic Rhinnitis-MGMT RX
  184. Sinusitis xrays? CT?
  185. Treat Sinusitis
  186. Croup- Steeple sign nsg 6435 final exam
  187. Laryngitis, Laryngotrachetis, Laryngotracheobronchitis, Bacterial tracheitis, Spasmodit croup, croup-Viral, Bacterial causes
  188. Croup most common in ages______
  189. Epiglottitis
  190. Bacterial Pneumonia Rx less than 5
  191. Bacterial Pneumo greater than 5 years
  192. TB Sx
  193. Bacterial Pneumo Hospitialize when?
  194. Epstein Barr Virus (MONO)
  195. Epstein-Barr virus (mono)
  196. Mono S/Sx
  197. Mono Mgmt
  198. Polio vaccine given @
  199. Parents ask the NP why their baby will receive an IM polio injection instead of the oral vaccine. The best response would be:
  200. Tetanus DTap
  201. whooping cough
  202. Hemophilis Influenzae
  203. Meningeal signs– tests
  204. Enterovirus- types, routes, incubation shedding
  205. Herpangina, Hand foot mouth
  206. Herpangina
  207. What causes Hand-Foot-Mouth disease?
  208. Coxsackie A virus
  209. Erythema Infectiosum-Fifth Disease
  210. Erythema Infectiosum (fifth disease)
  211. 5ths disease Stage1 and 2
  212. fifths disease Tx Management nsg 6435 final exam
  213. ¨The nurse is educating parents re: fifth disease. What explanation takes priority?
  214. Lyme dz Tx Rx
  215. Kawasaki disease (KD)
  216. ¨Leading cause of Acquired heart disease in children?
  217. Kawasaki disease stage 1
  218. Kawasaki Dz stage 2 and 3
  219. Hand swelling
  220. Kawasaki dz Diagnosis
  221. Kawasaki rash
  222. nonexudative conjuctivitis
  223. strawberry tongue nsg 6435 final exam
  224. A 3 year old with KD is admitted to the hospital for fever. The nurse knows that the following tx will be started to shorten the fever and decrease the risk of complications?
  225. High dose ASA therapy
  226. IV antibiotics
  227. IV steroids
  228. IVIG