NSG 6420 Final Exam Study Guide – Question and Answers


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NSG 6420 Final Exam Study Guide – Question with Answers – South University

(450 Question and Answers)

  1. Over 90% of patients in long term care are older than 
  2. The young old 
  3. the middle old 
  4. The old old 
  5. the elite old 
  6. the fastest growing subgroup??
  7. physical exam
  8. Breast cancer 
  9. Cervical Cancer 
  10. Prostate (50 and older) 
  11. testicular cancer 
  12. Colorectal cancer (men and women) 
  13. Skin Cancer 
  14. oral cancer 
  15. Oral cancer
  16. Bone density 
  17. Vision 
  18. Immunnizations 
  19. Genetic Theory 
  20. Immunity Theory 
  21. Cross linkage theory 
  22. free radical theory 
  23. KATZ 
  24. Stages of Alzheimer’s: Stage 1
  25. Stages of Alzheimer’s Stage 3 
  26. what can happen to dentures with aging 
  27. Stages of Alzheimer’s Stage 2
  28. Older adults need an increased amount of what nutrients 
  29. Diminished senses can lead to what? 
  30. pre albumin
  31. Albumin 
  32. total lymphocyte count 
  33. geriatric failure to thrive 
  34. maintaining appropriate levels of physical activity can decrease what?
  35. Relocation syndrome
  36. Home modifications that can help prevent falls 
  37. presbyopia 
  38. what are some things to be aware of with a decrease in the sense of touch 
  39. what are some common drugs older adults take OTC 
  40. age related changes that can potentially affect absorption of drugs orally 
  41. Age related changes that affect drug distribution 
  42. older adult changes in drug metabolism 
  43. excretion of drugs as it related to aging 
  44. normal creatinine clearance for men and women 
  45. Common adverse drug effects on the elderly 
  46. when preforming a medication assessment of an older adult what are some drugs the nurse should ask if the pt is taking 
  47. BEERS
  48. depression and the older adult 
  49. what are some signs of depression the the older adult 
  50. drugs for depression 
  51. without TX what can depression result in 
  52. dementia 
  53. dementia
  54. delirium 
  55. some of the factors that can cause delirium 
  56. how often should the older adult be in the sun 
  57. how much calcium should the older adult have 
  58. Baby boomers 
  59. what are some psychosocial concerns for the older adult 
  60. Normal physical changes of older adults: General status 
  61. Normal physical changes of older adults: integument
  62. functional aging 
  63. Normal physical changes of older adults: musculoskeletal 
  64. Normal physical changes of older adults: neurologic 
  65. risk factors for alzheimer’s
  66. Normal physical changes of older adults: cardiopulmonary 
  67. Normal physical changes of older adults: Genitourinary 
  68. Spices Framwork
  69. seborrheic keratosis 
  70. seborrheic dematitis 
  71. cherry anginoma 
  72. actinic lentigines
  73. actinic purpura 
  74. bruising 
  75. arcus senilis 
  76. blepharitis 
  77. what are some interventions to promote sleep
  78. stress incontinence 
  79. urge incontinence 
  80. overflow incontinence
  81. Mixed incontinence 
  82. functional urinary incontinence 
  83. factors contributing to urinary incontinence 
  84. Interventions for incontinence 
  85. describe some sleep changes in the older adult 
  86. things to be aware of when implementing pain interventions and the elderly 
  87. Iron deficiency anemai
  88. ACD
  89. ACD
  90. GINA Bill
  91. Physiological changes of aging
  92. X-linked Dominant
  93. Autosomal Recessive
  94. Dysmorphology
  95. First Step for family genome assessment?
  96. Health History includes?
  97. Biotransformation(metabolism)
  98. First symptoms of HIV?
  99. Cardiovascular risk factors
  100. Blood sugar screening 
  101. S1
  102. S2
  103. S3
  104. S4
  105. Posterior drawer test
  106. Systolic Murmurs
  107. Murmur Red Flags
  108. Signs of Aortic Stenosis nsg 6420 final exam
  109. mitral valve prolapse (MVP)
  110. Most common oral precancerous lesion?
  111. Frozen Shoulder (Adhesive Capsulitis)
  112. MVP sxs
  113. Moderate-intensity statin therapy
  114. Moderate to high intensity statin therapy
  115. Most accurate diagnosis for pancreatitis?
  116. When is Niacin used?
  117. Grave’s disease
  118. H. pylori gastritis: treatment
  119. Anterior Drawer Test
  120. Presbycusis
  121. How often do you check PSA levels?
  122. Tinea Capitis Treatment
  123. Keratitis
  124. Bacterial conjunctivits
  125. Allergic conjunctivitis
  126. Viral conjunctivitis
  127. Amaurosis fugax
  128. Most common cause of eye redness?
  129. Warnings for eye redness
  130. clinical manifestations of UTI
  131. Isolated Systolic HTN in elderly
  132. Screen for lipids
  133. Mitral Stenosis
  134. Hypertensive reinopathy
  135. Diabetic reinopathy
  136. cerumen impaction
  137. Atopic disorders mediated by IgE with a histamine response. Histamine response is:
  138. CURB 65
  139. Which findings are not considered normal age related?
  140. Common skin cancer found on the nose?
  141. Centor criteria for GABHS bacterial pharyngitis
  142. What are the signs and symptoms of Impingement syndrome?
  143. Ischemic Heart Disease
  144. Chronic stable angina 
  145. Prinzmetal angina
  146. Unstable Angina
  147. Nephrolithiasis
  148. pyelonephritis
  149. Gross hematuria + flank pain + palpable mass
  150. BPH
  151. Proteinuria
  152. stress urinary incontinence (SUI)
  153. #1 compliant of OA?
  154. 20yo female with pain, tenderness, decrease ROM at neck, shoulder, and medial knee:
  155. Ligament injury, “give-away”, “pop”
  156. De Quervain’s tendonistis
  157. Osteoarthritis
  158. Differential diagnosis for knee pain?
  159. Ottawa ankle rules (5 things)
  160. Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)
  161. Rotator Cuff Muscles (shoulder joint stabilizer)
  162. subacromial bursitis
  163. back pain: red flags
  164. Subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH)
  165. First line of therapy for acute gout?
  166. Migraine Headache
  167. tension headache
  168. Phenytoin (Dilantin)
  169. Dementia Symptoms
  170. Subdural hematoma in elderly
  171. DPP-4 inhibitor
  172. MOA of metformin. 
  173. GLP-1 agonists MOA
  174. Thiazolidinediones
  175. Sulfonylureas
  176. Pancreatitis
  177. Pleurisy
  178. Left upper quadrant pain
  179. Right upper quadrant pain
  180. Hypersplenism
  181. Cellulitis
  182. Actinic keratoses
  183. Basal Cell Carcinoma
  184. Squamous Cell Carcinoma
  185. Vitiligo
  186. Major signs of melanoma
  187. A group of furuncles?
  188. Type 2 Diabetes
  189. Men have faster and more efficient biotransformation of drugs and this is thought to be due to:
  190. The major impact of the physiological changes that occur with aging is :
  191. The cytochrome p system involves enzymes that are generally Inhibited by drugs :
  192. Functional abilities are best assessed by :
  193. Iron Deficiency Anemia (IDA) is classified as a microcytic, hypochromic anemia. This classification refers to which of the following laboratory data?
  194. When interpreting laboratory data, you would expect to see the following in a patient with Anemia of Chronic Disease (ACD) :
  195. The pathophysiological hallmark of ACD is: 
  196. The main focus of treatment of patients with ACD is: 
  197. In addition to the complete blood count (CBC) with differential, which of the following laboratory tests is considered to be most useful in diagnosing ACD and IDA?
  198. Symptoms in the initial human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection include all of the following except: nsg 6420 final exam
  199. Essential parts of a health history include all of the following except: 
  200. Which of the following clinical reasoning tools is defined as evidence-based resource based on mathematical modeling to express the likelihood of a condition in select situations, settings, and/or patients? 
  201. The first step in the genomic assessment of a patient is obtaining information regarding: 
  202. In autosomal recessive (AR) disorders, individuals need: 
  203. In AR disorders, carriers have:
  204. A woman with an X-linked dominant disorder will:
  205. According to the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA): 
  206. Which of the following would be considered a “red flag” that requires more investigation in a patient assessment? 
  207. Vestibular
  208. Vestibular Function
  209. Your 2-year-old patient shows facial features, such as epicanthal folds, up-slanted palpebral fissures, single transverse palmar crease, and a low nasal bridge. These are referred to as: 
  210. In order to provide a comprehensive genetic history of a patient, the NP should: 
  211. Vestibular Dysfunction
  212. 5 Anatomical Sites for Vestibular Lesions
  213. Reasons for vestibular dysfunction
  214. Dysequilibrium
  215. Nystagmus
  216. Oscillopsia
  217. Presbystasis
  218. ***Vertigo
  219. OT Scope of Practice
  220. Entry Level Practitioners MUST have:
  221. Entry Level Practitioner Vestibular Rehab Interventions
  222. Vestibular Disorders
  223. Objective Diagnostic Vestibular testing
  224. Peripheral Vestibular Disorders
  225. Central Vestibular Disorder
  226. Systemic Disorders
  227. Physician Subspecialties
  228. Common Signs of Vestibular Problem
  229. Vestibular labyrinth is located within what portion of the skull?
  230. The semicircular canals within our inner ear are filled with what substance?
  231. Peripheral Vestibular System
  232. The bony labyrinth is filled with what type of fluid?
  233. The membranous labyrinth contains:
  234. What is the job of the 3 semicircular canals?
  235. What is the job of the 2 otolithic organs (Saccule and Utricle)
  236. Inside the Otolithic Membrane = Macula (A receptor)
  237. Semicircular Canals & Co-Pairs
  238. Vestibulo-Ocular Reflex (VOR) is an eye mvmt made in response to mvmt of which body part?
  239. *Peripheral Vestibular System feeds what part of the Central Vestibular System?
  240. Somatosensory System feeds what part of the Central Vestibular?
  241. Gaze Stabilization
  242. *Visual/Oculomotor System feeds what part of the Central Vestibular System?
  243. Gaze Stabilization is achieved by:
  244. Central Oculomotor Skills that contribute to Gaze Stabilization:
  245. Central damage
  246. Peripheral Damage
  247. Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BBV) is a common disorder of the:
  248. Common Disorders of the Peripheral Vestibular System:
  249. Nausea/Vomiting
  250. Neurological symptoms
  251. Auditory Changes
  252. Interventions for Disequilibrium
  253. BPPV
  254. Vestibular Neuritis
  255. How to assess for BPPV:
  256. Disorders of the Central Vestibular System
  257. Ischemic Diseases
  258. Progressive Disorders
  259. Wallenberg’s Syndrome
  260. OT Evaluation Skills for Vestibular Rehab
  261. OT Interventions for Vestibular Rehab
  262. What interventions resolve BPPV, eliminate vertigo and restore functional independence?
  263. Epley Maneuver
  264. Brandt-Daroff Exercises
  265. Contraindications to performing Dix-Hallpike Test
  266. What are the steps in treating BPPV?
  267. Dix-Hallpike (Assessment)
  268. Intervention activities for Disequilibrium:
  269. Examples of disequilibrium movement intervention activities:
  270. Goal directed activities for disequilibrium
  271. 3 Normal Balance Strategies
  272. Balance Interventions
  273. Vestibular Hypofunction
  274. Interventions for vestibular hyopfunction
  275. Goal for vestibular hypofunction interventions
  276. Vestibular Hyperfunction
  277. Interventions for vestibular hyperfunction:
  278. Goal for vestibular hyperfunction
  279. Activities for HYPOfunction
  280. Activities for HYPERfunction
  281. Interventions for Vestibular Ocular Dysfunction
  282. Goal for vestibular ocular dysfunction
  283. Visual-Vestibular Interaction Interventions
  284. Sharp Purser Test
  285. How to administer the Sharp Purser Test
  286. Positive Sharp Purser Test
  287. Negative Effects of Chronic Pain
  288. Pain Perception
  289. Pain Perception
  290. What does OT address in pain perception?
  291. What do OTS address for pain perception?
  292. Nociceptive Pain
  293. Nociceptive Pain
  294. Neuropathic Pain
  295. Neuropathic pain
  296. Biopsychosocial Model of Pain
  297. Biopsychosocial Model of Pain
  298. Loeser and Fordyce Four Pain Domains
  299. Evaluation of Pain
  300. Theoretical Approaches to Pain Management – Behavioral
  301. Methods for Pain Management – Behavioral
  302. Methods for behavioral pain management
  303. Operant Strategies for Pain Management
  304. Cognitive Behavioral Strategies
  305. Cognitive Behavioral Strategies
  306. Volar plate contracture (PIP Flexion contracture)
  307. Rupture of FDP
  308. Nonfixed position OT treatment
  309. Fixed position OT treatment
  310. What is swan neck deformity characterized by?
  311. Rehab Protocol for  Tendon Repair
  312. Three types of Extensor Tendon Protocols
  313. Three types of Flexor Tendon Protocols
  314. Initial Splints for Tendon Repairs
  315. Tendon Repair Protocol Phases
  316. Cumulative Trauma Disorders
  317. Three Stages of CTD
  318. TX of CTD
  319. Common CTDs
  320. Common Peripheral Nerve Injuries
  321. Tinel’s Sign
  322. Phalen’s Test
  323. Reverse Phalen’s
  324. Positive Phalen’s Test-Reverse Phalen’s
  325. Radial Nerve Innervates what muscles?
  326. Median nerve innervates what muscles?
  327. Ulnar nerve innervates what muscles?
  328. Three Response Variables
  329. Pyschosocial Concerns with Disability
  330. Self-determination
  331. Interdependence
  332. Disability Vs. Chronic Illness
  333. What factors contribute to a person’s ability to adapt?
  334. Values and Beliefs that guide psycho social aspects of disability
  335. Kubler Ross Loss Stages
  336. Short term psychosocial reactions reactions
  337. Intermediate psychosocial reactions
  338. Longterm psychosocial reactions
  339. Adaptive responses
  340. Maladaptive responses
  341. Shock
  342. TX approaches for shock
  343. Defensive Retreat or Denial
  344. Tx approaches for Defensive Retreat or Denial
  345. Depression or Mourning
  346. TX approaches for Depression or Mourning
  347. Suicidal ideation
  348. Regression
  349. Personal Questioning and/or Anger
  350. TX approaches for Personal questioning/Anger
  351. Integration and Growth
  352. TX approaches for Integration and Growth
  353. Disability communities
  354. Disability rights movement
  355. Independent living (IL) movement
  356. Independent Living Centers (ILC)
  357. Self-advocacy
  358. Self-advocacy Intervention
  359. Ombudsman
  360. Employee assistance program
  361. Legal aid societies
  362. Teaching Self-Advocacy to Support Adaption to Disability
  363. Pain Definition
  364. Acute pain
  365. Chronic Pain
  366. Mixed Pain
  367. Biopsychosocial Model – Loeser and Fordyce: 4 Pain Domains
  368. Evaluation of Pain (Subjective) nsg 6420 study guide
  369. Evaluation of pain (objective)
  370. Behavioral Approaches to Pain Management
  371. Physical Agent Modalities (PAMS)
  372. Operant Strategies (Behavioral)
  373. Secondary Gains (Operant)
  374. How do OTs use Operant Strategies?
  375. Cognitive Behavioral Techniques
  376. MOHO Approaches to Pain Management
  377. Chronic pain may be complicated with:
  378. Graded activities for Chronic Pain nsg 6420 final exam
  379. Quota Programs and Chronic Pain
  380. Relaxation Training
  381. Biofeedback
  382. Other Pain Management Interventions
  383. Congenital Amputations nsg 6420 study guide
  384. Acquired Amputations
  385. UE Amputations
  386. LE Amputation
  387. Levels of UE Amputation
  388. Levels of LE Amputation
  389. Factors that Impact Rehab
  390. Phantom limb
  391. Phantom Sensation
  392. Pre-Prosthetic OT
  393. Immediate Post Surgical Fitting
  394. Sensory Deficits & Interventions
  395. Hypersensitivity
  396. Desensitization
  397. Mandy Case Study OPHII Scale
  398. Mandy Case Study WRI Scores
  399. Mandy’s Case Study narrative slope:
  400. OPHI-II
  401. WRI
  402. Mandy Case Study LTGs
  403. OT Intervention for Mandy Case Study
  404. Non-adherent Behavior
  405. Underlying Meaning of non-adherent
  406. Therapeutic responses to non-adherent behavior
  407. Manipulative-Dependent Behavior nsg 6420 study guide
  408. Underlying meaning of manipulative-dependent behavior
  409. Therapeutic response to manipulative-dependent behavior nsg 6420 final exam
  410. Cognitive Training tends to be impairment based or occupation based?
  411. Cognitive Rehab tends to be impairment based or occupation based?
  412. Impairment Based
  413. Occupation Based
  414. OT Interventions
  415. Cognitive Orientation to Daily Occupational Performance
  416. Task Specific Strategy (CO-OP)
  417. Metacognitive Strategies
  418. Metacognitive Interventions for the ENVIRONMENT
  419. How to Facilitate Transference of Learning
  420. Metacognitive Interventions for the PERSON
  421. How to improve Self-Awareness nsg 6420 study guide
  422. Specific Self-Awareness Intervention
  423. A patient presents with a sudden onset of unilateral eye pain and blurred vision. You should suspect:
  424. Acute glaucoma
  425. Cataracts
  426. S/S of cataracts 
  427. Contributing factors of cataracts
  428. Chronic glaucoma
  429. Glaucoma drugs
  430. epistaxis
  431. Sensorineural Hearing Loss
  432. Conductive Hearing Loss (CHL):
  433. Conductive Hearing Loss
  434. hordeolum
  435. Chalazion
  436. Chalazion
  437. Age-related Macular Degeneration
  438. Age Related Macular Degeneration
  439. *Retinopathy
  440. allergic rhinitis
  441. Treatment of allergic rhinitis
  442. visual field testing
  443. Retinal Imaging
  444. Retinal Nerve Fiber Analysis
  445. Fluorescein angiography
  446. Electro-oculogram (EOG)
  447. Electroretinography (ERG)
  448. Eye and Orbit Sonogramsnsg 6420 study guide