NR 507 Week 3 Quiz 3 – Question and Answers


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NR 507 Week 3 Quiz – Advanced Pathophysiology

  1. Clinical manifestations of mild to moderate splenomegaly and hepatomegaly, bronze-colored skin, and cardiac dysrhythmias are indicative of which anemia?
  2. What is the pathophysiologic process of aplastic anemia?
  3. Which anemia produces small, pale erythrocytes?
  4. Symptoms of polycythemia vera are mainly the result of
  5. A woman complains of chronic gastritis, fatigue, weight loss, and tingling in her fingers. Laboratory findings show low hemoglobin and hematocrit levels, and a high mean corpuscular volume. These findings are consistent with _____ anemia.
  6. The body compensates for anemia by
  7. Which of the following is a description consistent with acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL)?
  8. Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT) is describe as a(n)
  9. What is the most common cause of vitamin K deficiency?
  10. Which of the following is a description consistent with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL)?
  11. The sickle cell trait differs from sickle cell disease in that the child with sickle cell trait
  12. What is the name of the disorder in which levels of bilirubin remain excessively high in the newborn and are deposit in the brain?
  13. Polycythemia occurs in a fetus because
  14. Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) is an autoimmune process involving antibodies against
  15. G6PD and sickle cell disease are
  16. Hemophilia B is cause by clotting factor _____ deficiency.
  17. Which of the following is manufacture by the liver and primarily contains cholesterol and protein?
  18. What is the most common cardiac disorder associate with ….immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) resulting from myocarditis and infective endocarditis?
  19. In systolic heart failure, what effect does angiotensin II have on stroke volume?
  20. What changes in veins occur to create varicose veins? nr 507 week 3 quiz
  21. What is the most important clinical manifestation of aortic coarctation in the neonate?
  22. The foramen ovale is covered by a flap that creates a check valve allowing blood to flow unidirectionally from the _____ to the _____.
  23. When does most cardiovascular development occur?
  24. When does systemic vascular resistance in infants begin to rise?
  25. An infant has a loud, harsh, holosystolic murmur and systolic thrill that can be detected at the left lower sternal border that radiates to the neck. These clinical findings are consistent with which congenital heart defect?nr 507 week 3 quiz 3