MGT 435 Week 5 Quiz, 02 Sets



MGT 435 Week 5 Quiz 1

  1. Which of the following is a typical quality of an agile organization?
  2. Which of the following statements about mental models is FALSE?
  3. Because of a special project, Khalib is asked to be part of a temporary group that is made up of individuals from marketing, customer service, engineering, and product development. The team has never worked together before, and will be dissolved once their work on this project is finished. This group would most likely be ……as a(n)_______________.
  4. What does the clothing manufacturer Zara do that qualifies it as an agile organization?
  5. Which of the following is TRUE of an organization with a flattened layer of management?
  6. Respondents of a survey conducted by the Center for Creative Leadership ranked which of the following traits low in terms of being important for successful leadership?
  7. At which of Woolner’s (1995) five stages to becoming a learning organization does learning become a part of an organization’s day-to-day activities?
  8. How did Cisco address company-wide communication issues that were hindering its performance?
  9. Which of Woolner’s (1995) five stages to becoming a learning organization applies primarily to start-ups?
  10. One key virtue of a learning organization is to _________________.
MGT 435 Week 5 Quiz 2
  1. Of the following, which is one of the most serious liabilities of the traditional, hierarchical organizational structure, as opposed to the modern, more decentralized approach?
  2. Which of the following represents a “soft” dimension of change?
  3. In Rowden’s (2009) four traits of learning organizations, continuous planning, reflection, and adjustment exemplifies
  4. The concept of a “learning organization” was ……by
  5. The point of Senge’s “Parable of the Boiled Frog” is
  6. True or false?  In the modern environment of effective organizational leadership, communication and collaboration take priority over dictatorial authority.
  7. Which of the following is true in organization with a “flattened” layer of management?
  8. An employee who fails to recognize that she is one part of the whole (organization) exhibits which of the following “learning disabilities”?
  9. True or false?  “Shared vision” begins at the common worker level
  10. Which of the following is a typical quality of an “agile” organization?mgt 435 week 5 quiz