ENG 250 Discussion Question with Answers Module 1 to 7


Category: ENG 250 Tag: eng 250


ENG 250 Module 1 Discussion 1

Describe the most important purpose of literature to you. Why do you feel this purpose is most significant? Briefly describe your worldview? How do you think your worldview affects your choice? Be specific.

ENG250 Module 1 Discussion 2

Examine the use of literary devices in one of the ancient Egyptian poems (assigned reading for Module 1). Identify the literary device and describe its contribution to the overall meaning of the poem?  How is the literary device used to express the worldview of the author?

ENG 250 Module 2 Discussion 1

After reading “The Art of Translation, consider how translation creates meaning? If a work is not read in its original language, what are you gaining? What are you losing?

ENG250 Module 2 Discussion 2

Freedom and responsibility are key issues when making decisions. The heroes in the Greek readings have decisions to make. What determines the decisions? Are they independent, individual decisions? How do the decisions reflect the culture and belief system of the ancient Greeks? When answering the question consider divine interventions, independent decisions, and advice from others. Reference the literature to prove your answer.

ENG 250 Module 3 Discussion 1

With reference to either Boethius or Rumi, how is the work of this author not representative of their time? That is to say, great authors are of their time, but also transcend it. What makes their work timeless?

ENG250 Module 3 Discussion 2

Augustine and Boethius are two of the foundations for medieval Christian literature, and continue to have an impact today. Respond to these texts, drawing on your own personal experience.

ENG250 Module 4 Discussion 1

With regard to The Song of Roland, to what extent do you resemble the “ideal audience” that the text assumes? What assumptions seem to be made about the class, age, gender, or other characteristics of the audience?

ENG 250 Module 4 Discussion 2

Animals play an important role in The Thousand and One Nights; however, the animals play different roles in the imaginary worlds of father and daughter. Explain how these differences reflect the contrasting visions of gender relations that are important to the overall theme of the writing.

ENG250 Module 5 Discussion 1

Compare and contrast the language and intent in Petrarch’s Sonnet 90 from the readings and Shakespeare’s Sonnet 130 located in the lecture, and place these first in the context of their time, and then in the context of our own time.

ENG250 Module 5 Discussion 2

Discuss the points of contrast between “Cantares Mexicanos,” and the writings of Machiavelli.

ENG250 Module 6 Discussion 1

Scan the Module 6 Lecture. Choose three terms relating to drama, and examine how these words will help you in understanding and discussing drama, especially with reference to the plays discussed in the lecture or the assigned readings.

ENG250 Module 6 Discussion 2

Compare and contrast the two versions of the “Chimney Sweeper.” Explain the purpose of these two versions. What literary devices are used in the poetry to create overall meaning?

ENG 250 Module 7 Discussion 1

With reference to the various works of literature studied in this course, identify and explore some of the universal human themes. Explain why it makes sense to compare and contrast works from different eras.