ECE 101 Week 3 Assignment, Learning Approaches, Theory Practice, Quiz


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ECE 101 Week 3 Assignment 2, Learning Approaches, Theory and Practice

ECE 101 Week 3 Quiz 1
  1. Most children enter the preoperational stage between 18 months and two years and remain in the stage until approximately seven years.
  2. Piaget’s theory of cognitive development is considered constructivist because learners are active participants in the construction of their own knowledge.
  3. In the preoperational stage, from birth to approximately two years, infants gain knowledge of the world through their senses and motor movements.
  4. The zone of proximal development (ZPD) is the area of development between a person’s present level of skill and those skills that he or she could potentially do with assistance.
  5. Vygotsky viewed cognitive development as a series of separate stages.
  6. Skinner’s theory of operant conditioning involves shaping behavior through a system of punishment.
  7. An important aspect of Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development is self-regulation. Which is the ability to control personal impulses without the direct guidance of others. And the ability to act intentionally rather than reactively to situations.
  8. Although the physical development of the brain is …..part of the physical domain, the psychological development of the mind is part of the cognitive domain.
  9. The skills, which involve the small muscles of the hands, fingers, feet, toes, face, and mouth, are called gross motor skills.
  10. Self-conscious emotions include pride, shame, embarrassment, guilt, and regret.
ECE 101 Week 3 Quiz 2
  1. When new information will not fit comfortably into existing schemas, individuals adapt by constructing a new schema. This adaptive process is …..accommodation.
  2. Piaget’s theory of cognitive development is …..constructivist because learners are active participants in the construction of their own knowledge.
  3. The cognitive awareness that objects and people continue to exist even when they are no longer …..object permanence.
  4. Scaffolding is the process of providing assistance to learners within their ZPD.ct
  5. The zone of proximal development (ZPD) is the area of development between a person’s present level of skill and those skills that he or she could potentially do with assistance.
  6. Skinner felt that the environment is the primary factor that contributes to learning.
  7. An important aspect of Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development is self-regulation; which is the ability to control personal impulses without the direct guidance of others. And the ability to act intentionally rather than reactively to situations.
  8. Receptive language encompasses listening and reading, while expressive language encompasses talking and writing.
  9. The affective domain includes only emotional development and social development.
  10. There are two categories of attachment: secure and resistant.