BIOS 256 Lab 5 Assignment 6 – Question and Answers


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BIOS 256 Lab 5 Assignment 6

Part A. Reviewing Your Knowledge (pg. 633-634)

A. Functions of the Nephron

Write name of the part of the nephron that has the following function.

  1. Reabsorption of an additional 15% of water by osmosis. Impermeable to
  2. Hormones determine if urine is concentrated.
  3. Filters blood and forms filtrate.
  4. Reabsorption of majority of water and solutes from filtrate by active and passive processes. Also secretion occurs here.
  5. Reabsorption of more sodium, chloride, and about 10 to 15% more water.
  6. Reabsorption of sodium and chloride decreases the osmolarity of filtrate. Nearly impermeable to water.
B. Hormones and Urine Formation

Write the term the phrase describes.

  1. Hormone that increases sodium and chloride ion reabsorption and potassium secretion.
  2. Process of moving substances from renal tubule into the peritubular capillary.
  3. ADH acts mainly at this portion of the nephron.
  4. Process of moving substances from the peritubular capillary into renal tubule.
  5. Process occurring across wall of glomerular capillary and visceral layer of glomerular capsule.
  6. The act of voiding (emptying) the urinary bladder.
  7. Hormone that increases water reabsorption in the late distal convoluted tubule and collecting duct.
C. Urinalysis

Answer the following questions with a short answer.

  1. What is the normal volume of urine output per day in an adult?
  2. What is the normal color of urine?
  3. What-could make urine cloudy?
  4. What is the normal specific gravity of urine?
  5. What makes urine have a higher specific gravity than distilled water?
  6. Name five normal solutes found in urine.
  7. Normal urine contains % water and            % solutes
  8. Is normal daytime urine output dilute or concentrated?
  9. What is the normal pH of urine?
  10. What is pyuria?
  11. What-is ketonuria?
  12. What is hematuria?
  13. What-is glucosuria?
  14. True or false. Normal urine has some bacteria in it even if the urine sample was taken properly.

Using Your Knowledge (pg. 635-636)

A. Urine Formation
  1. Explain how a kidney stone blocking urine flow through the ureter eventually may decrease filtrate formation in the glomerular capsule. (Hint: hydrostatic pressure.)
  2. Explain how inflammation of the glomerular capsule causes hematuria. bios 256 lab 5 assignment
  3. Compare the contents of the filtrate in the glomerular capsule and the contents of urine in the renal pelvis. (Yes, you can answer this question without research.)
B. Urinalysis

For each of the urine samples in Table 37.6, indicate whether the urine is normal or abnormal. If abnormal, name the abnormality and indicate the probable cause.

TABLE 37.6 Urinalysis Results

  1. Urine A
  2. Urine B
  3. Urine-C
  4. Urine D
  5. Which urine has the
    • lowest concentration of solutes?
    • highest concentration of solutes?
  6. Which urines are:
    • Acidic?
    • Basic?
  7. Which specific gravity value is the most concentrated? Urine: